Three dimensional works
Commissioned artwork in any scale or material

Making larger scale sculpture is a very different process to working with an individual client for something like a headstone. A public art project will usually have a committee and various organisations to satisfy, plus health and safety requirements.
The “client” (in this example The Royal Artillery) will usually have a specific place to position the final sculpture. There also needs to be careful consideration to the footings and plinth by which it can be best viewed.
While challenging, this is a rewarding process.
I also enjoy making smaller pieces, some with the inclusion of letters, some without.
I regularly make work for exhibitions and I love to take on commissions. These can be to a theme, or a narrative, or just flights of fancy.

I find that lettering takes me down all sorts of creative avenues. Stone is not the only material I use, and lettering is not the only expression of my art.
I also work in clay, bronze and other materials.
© 2023 by Carving Sue